Give Hope to a Domestic Abuse Survivor! image

Give Hope to a Domestic Abuse Survivor!

Your tax-deductible donation will help DAWN continue to support, empower and shelter survivors of domestic abuse!

$4,545 raised

$100,000 goal

/ 150


Recently, we had a long-time resident and her family move out of the shelter and into their own place. Her abuser is in a gang, and though he is incarcerated, he literally put a hit out on her. She’s been shot at twice. As his release date nears, she grew more anxious. She recently had a court date to get a domestic violence protection order against him. Our advocate team worked with her and accompanied her to the hearing. Worried that she would be shot on her way into the courthouse, our team had to disguise her and further safety plan. The judge awarded her a LIFETIME protection order, something very rare. She is now able to enjoy her new place with her family as they start over. Our advocates literally save lives and your support to our 2021 Vision For Hope Fund allows us to continue to support, empower and shelter DV survivors and their families. Thank you for rising in peace with DAWN!